
One of the characteristics of the Huerta de nuestra region is the extensive network of paths and caminos we Permits recorrerla walk and with a medio de transporte such as elemental cycling.
Among these routes via, the more we aconsejables aquellos Permits are visiting conocer y peculiar places like the Natural Paraje Hondo to that appointment, you can access the interior of mismo where you will find a variety of birds and wildlife parts; additionally podemos appreciate the large water infrastructure for irrigation of the Vega Baja and part of the Campo de Elche. The “Hoyico” of Serrano Almoradi constituye otro Paraje de Obligado itinerary. Muy interesante will also tour the canals and azarbes entresijo of that from the Rio Segura, led aguas por toda about the region aprovechando spare them the most and they are drenajes recogidos, uno tras otro, as the Avanza irrigation entandado of the Atlas.
Otro Journey of great interest consiste in discurrir por los Caminos de los Sotos del Río by visiting the Wheel of Formentera del Segura, las Cuevas Rojales and crossing por el Campo de Guardamar visit the Laguna de la Mata, otro Paraje Natural of great importance landscaping and for its wildlife poultry. Haciendo use of this route is famous puedo llegar hasta las Playas de Guardamar del Segura by visiting the archeological Excavations, about pennate and its dunes.