Funeral Monument: Pilar Estela

Funeral Monument: Pilar Estela

In the month of June 1992 fue BARE by chance a muro de unos 10m. in length formaba part of a well known funeral monument pillar-like star.

His base it would be staggered, the one that starts cuerpo rectangular or quadrangular topped by a throat (kind of big Capitel), and on it, a sculpture of real or fantastic animal. These restos dotados between IV and V centuries BC, fueron cataloged as the most rich Iberian funeral architecture in the province.

Location at map

Ermita Ntra. Sra. Del Rosario de la Bodega

Ermita Ntra. Sra. Del Rosario de la Bodega

Hermitage built in 1960, erected in honor of Our Lady of the Rosary, patron of La Bodega. On October 7, it is celebrated its celebration, celebrating a mass of campaign, typical lunch of chocolate with donuts and biscuit, prepared by the neighbors. The celebration will culminate at dusk with the solemn procession, crowned by the luminous castle of fireworks.

Location at Map

Ermita de Nuestra Señora del Rosario 03159 Alicante España

Parish of San Miguel Arcángel

Parish of San Miguel Arcángel

Phone: 965 70 06 94

The most important architectonic element of the municipality is its Parochial Church under the invocation of San Miguel Arcángel.

In the eighteenth century it was a rectangular building, with two lateral flanks in the basement intended for chapels. In the middle of this century, the temple is extended by extending its single nave from the front, adding another perpendicular to the previous one and in the cruiser a half orange vault.

Location at map

Calle Generalísimo, 24, 03159 Daya Nueva, Alicante, España