Ermita Ntra. Sra. Del Rosario de la Bodega

Ermita Ntra. Sra. Del Rosario de la Bodega

Hermitage built in 1960, erected in honor of Our Lady of the Rosary, patron of La Bodega. On October 7, it is celebrated its celebration, celebrating a mass of campaign, typical lunch of chocolate with donuts and biscuit, prepared by the neighbors. The celebration will culminate at dusk with the solemn procession, crowned by the luminous castle of fireworks.

Location at Map

Ermita de Nuestra Señora del Rosario 03159 Alicante España

Parish of San Miguel Arcángel

Parish of San Miguel Arcángel

Phone: 965 70 06 94

The most important architectonic element of the municipality is its Parochial Church under the invocation of San Miguel Arcángel.

In the eighteenth century it was a rectangular building, with two lateral flanks in the basement intended for chapels. In the middle of this century, the temple is extended by extending its single nave from the front, adding another perpendicular to the previous one and in the cruiser a half orange vault.

Location at map

Calle Generalísimo, 24, 03159 Daya Nueva, Alicante, España

“Arroz con Conejo”

“Arroz con Conejo”


  • 1 kg of rabbit.
  • 2 tender artichokes.
  • 1 small pot of mushrooms.
  • 1 medium onion.
  • 2 ripe tomatoes.
  • 1 large red pepper.
  • ½ glass of olive oil.
  • 1 small garlic head.
  • A few strands of dry saffron.
  • 400 g of rice.
  • Salt.

– Put the paella or pan with the oil on a fire. Put the garlic head and the pepper strips until it is fried, and reserve, leaving the head of garlic in the oil without burning. Chop the onion and brown, adding the rabbit cut into medium pieces previously seasoned with salt. In a pot, boil the artichokes with water and salt for 4 or 5 minutes. Before this we will have cleaned them of the hard leaves and the tips and we will have cut them to pieces.

– When the rabbit begins to brown, the grated tomatoes, the mushrooms and the artichokes are added; When the tomato begins to thick, add half a liter of meat broth or hot water and let it simmer until the rabbit is sufficiently cooked and the broth has almost disappeared.

– Half an hour before serving, remove the garlic head and pour the rice, along with broth or hot water (always double volume of liquid than rice), the paella being in full heat; Add the saffron and two or three garlic cloves chopped into the mortar dissolved in a little broth and adding salt if we see that the paella stew needs it.

– Cook on a high heat for the first 15 minutes and place the pepper strips on top, continuing the cooking about five minutes more on a softer fire.

“Arroz caldoso con conejo y verduras”

“Arroz caldoso con conejo y verduras”

Ingredients for 4 people:

1 rabbit of 1 kg. approximately.
250 gr. Of green beans.
1 roasted pepper.
1 tomato.
1 ñora.
2 artichokes.
150 gr. Of garrofón.
Olive oil.
400 gr. of rice.
200 gr. Of peeled beans.


– Put a puchero with oil and salt on the fire. We incorporated the chopped rabbit and we took about 10 minutes. Then we add the beans and the artichokes and the roasted bell pepper. When it is sofrito we throw the grated tomato. We remove well and incorporate the water and the ñora. Let cook about 3/4 of an hour and put the rice. Finally, add the salt, the saffron and continue the cooking until you get a rice pudding.

“Cocido con pelotas”

“Cocido con pelotas”

Ingredients for 4 people:

  • Potatoes.
  • 250 grs. Of chickpeas.
  • 1/2 kilo varied meat of chicken, lamb, veal and a slice of chorizo and bacon.

For the filling:

  • Bread.
  • Eggs.
  • Parsley.
  • Chopped meats (sausage, white and hard chorizo).
  • Blood.
  • Salt.
  • Pepper.
  • Colorant.


– The chickpeas and meats are boiled. Once this is done, add the stuffing that we add to the pot with the potatoes and coloring, letting it cook until obtaining the right spot.



One of the characteristics of the Huerta de nuestra region is the extensive network of paths and caminos we Permits recorrerla walk and with a medio de transporte such as elemental cycling.

Among these routes via, the more we aconsejables aquellos Permits are visiting conocer y peculiar places like the Natural Paraje Hondo to that appointment, you can access the interior of mismo where you will find a variety of birds and wildlife parts; additionally podemos appreciate the large water infrastructure for irrigation of the Vega Baja and part of the Campo de Elche. The “Hoyico” of Serrano Almoradi constituye otro Paraje de Obligado itinerary. Muy interesante will also tour the canals and azarbes entresijo of that from the Rio Segura, led aguas por toda about the region aprovechando spare them the most and they are drenajes recogidos, uno tras otro, as the Avanza irrigation entandado of the Atlas.

Otro Journey of great interest consiste in discurrir por los Caminos de los Sotos del Río by visiting the Wheel of Formentera del Segura, las Cuevas Rojales and crossing por el Campo de Guardamar visit the Laguna de la Mata, otro Paraje Natural of great importance landscaping and for its wildlife poultry. Haciendo use of this route is famous puedo llegar hasta las Playas de Guardamar del Segura by visiting the archeological Excavations, about pennate and its dunes.