Department of Social Services

Basic Social Team

Providing its services within the Department of Social Welfare, consisting of:

1 Social Worker.
1 Psychologist.
1 Technician of the Unit.
1 Home Helper.


Address: C / Generalísimo, 5
Phone: 965 70 13 38
Fax: 966 78 20 04


Department of Social Welfare.
Employment and Local Development Agency.
Post Office.

Schedule of E.S.B

Social worker:
Monday and Thursday from 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. by appointment.

Wednesday from 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. by appointment.

Technician of the dependence:
Thursday from 8:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. by appointment.

Employment and Local Development Agent:
From Monday to Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. and from 13:30 a.m. to 15:00 p.m. and Wednesdays from 16:00 a.m. to 9:30 p.m. without appointment.

Call the phone 965701338 or personally in the Social Center.

Programs and Services

The General Social Services constitute the basic structure of the Public System of Social Services and are provided by the Base Teams.

Its policy competencies are aimed at covering personal and social needs derived from situations of dependency, inequality or social exclusion, managing programs in the areas of social services for the disabled, family, adoptions, childhood, youth and women as well as improvement Of the quality of life of all citizens.

The City Council of Daya Nueva, has managed to create, with the support of the Valencian Government and the Excma. Diputación de Alicante, an important network of resources and social services, thanks to which we can respond to the needs of the citizens of Daya Nueva.

The Department of Social Services, is configured as a service to the citizen endowed with important resources and infrastructures, which have grown very noticeably in recent years.

The institutional head of the council is Mrs. Inmaculada Vicente Caravaca

The Social Services of Daya Nueva are aimed at:

The detection and analysis of the needs and social deprivation of citizens.
Information, guidance and advice to citizens about their social rights and procedures for their exercise.
The prevention of social problems in the community.
Improvement of personal autonomy.
The social insertion of marginalized and excluded members of the community.
Animation and community development.
The improvement of cooperation and solidarity expressed in social volunteering.

The mission is to address the needs related to families, the protection of minors, dependents, and other vulnerable sectors of society and manage all types of social resources.

The vision is to continuously improve the services we provide with the opinion of citizens.



Information, Guidance and Technical Advice Service

Aimed at all citizens to inform, advise and advise them about their rights, the exercise of them and the adequate social resources to meet their needs.

It is organized by the appointment system. SOCIAL CENTER. 965 701 338

Social Cooperation Programs

In order to promote and promote the Social Initiative, Associationism and Social Volunteering, so as to facilitate a more effective integration of people in society, as well as community animation in order to promote group activities aimed at being the people themselves Of a community that assume their problem, looking for solutions to it.

In view of this basic program in our municipality, special emphasis is being placed on the promotion and implementation of social volunteering, with the development of the Municipal Social Volunteer Program.

Coexistence and Social Reintegration Programs

Oriented to promote social and family coexistence, as well as to enable integration in the community. Municipal Cohabitation Club. From where they plan and carry out activities of socio-cultural promotion and of leisure and free time for the Third Age, Woman, Bolilleras, etc.

Individual Economic Benefits Program

It aims at meeting the most basic needs of those citizens who can not address them by themselves, through the management of individualized financial aid in basic needs, housing, technical assistance, removal of architectural barriers, etc.

Prevention and Social Reintegration Programs

They will aim at the development of social intervention in people or groups of high risk who need help to prevent their conflicts and their personal insertion in the social environment.

Family intervention program

They are a set of attentions to foster coexistence and social integration, in situations of crisis, risk, or vulnerability in a family or in any of the members of any coexistence unit, when the stability of the coexistence is threatened or when it is not sufficiently Guaranteed the right attention to some member.

It consists of encouraging the acquisition of basic skills and behavioral habits, both in the area of personal abilities as well as in the relational field.

The Family Intervention Service addresses situations of family breakdown, absence or lack of behavioral habits or basic skills to deal with family crises, caused by difficulties in the relationship and coexistence between all or one of the members of the family. In particular, it addresses situations of risk of child abuse and violence, towards older people, violence of sex, ethnicity, or any other type of violence.

Information and Business Advice:

Support to the creation and consolidation of companies

Information on formation procedures, advice for the preparation of business projects, support in the early stages of project implementation, incentives and aid in force.

Information on business investment aid.
Information on micro-enterprise investment aids.
Information to the small retailer.

We put at your disposal different manuals that can help you when developing your business project.