Programs and Services: Seniors


The Home Help Service is a basic social service, aimed at the elderly, the disabled and families who present problems for the basic activities of daily life, providing them with direct care in their own home through interventions that favor their permanence and Integration in their usual environment, and compensate for their restriction of functional autonomy.

It brings company, security and communication, counteracting the evolutionary process of isolation and marginalization, often linked with the loss of autonomy and functionalism, preventing situations of risk.

In general, the objective is to improve the quality of life of the users, enhancing their autonomy, security and social relations.

The services that integrate are:

Domestic care.
Personal attention: Attending basic personal care.
Educational: training in socio-personal skills, acquisition of habits, orientation …
Support for mobilization within the home.

This program is regulated by a Tax Ordinance, which reflects the amount to be paid by the beneficiary of the service per month, this rate being 10 € / month regardless of the hours executed during the month. Requests and Procedures: Department of Social Welfare, CENTRO SOCIAL. 965 70 13 38.


Home Teleassistance is a service that, through the telephone line, allows the beneficiaries, at the touch of a button on the device they constantly carry, to notify the emergency center (24 hours a day) of a situation of Crisis (falls, theft, fire, health emergencies), so that said center of response to such emergency.

Although the main function of tele-assistance is the immediate attention to emergency situations occurring in the same home, it also has the following benefits:

1. User Agendas
They allow you to remind you of certain activities or habits that you should perform sporadically or periodically (taking medication, doctor visits, etc.).

2. Monitoring and Control
The center of attention periodically contacts with the users, in order to permanently monitor, keep their data updated and intervene if circumstances advise.

3. Features of the main unit and the push button
“Hands-free”: before any telephone contact (not only with the center of attention), or call the user or call him, he can speak from anywhere in the house.

4. Requirements
Individuals over 60 living alone, or marriages in which both members present objective difficulties.
Have a terminal installed by a telephone operator with basic lines of RTB.

5. They can not be beneficiaries of the service
People with severe mental illnesses, including senile dementias, since the system requires a certain level of understanding and discernment.
People with notorious hearing and / or oral expression deficiencies, since the system is based mainly on verbal communication user-center of attention.

6. Requests and Procedures
SOCIAL CENTER. 965 701 338