Employment and local development agency

Recommended guidelines and tips for making the following documents:

Guidelines for the different types of interviews, the verbal and nonverbal behaviors involved, and what to do at different times: before, during and after the interview are given in the job counseling service.

In a personalized and direct contact, the last and most decisive of the phases of the selection process aimed at obtaining information and data from the interviewee, according to previously determined objectives and convince the interviewer that you are the person suitable for the profile requested.

For this reason, the interview must be prepared as follows:

Presentation of curriculum clearly and attractively.
Have information about the company in general and the position offered.
Preparation of the answers to the battery of the possible questions of the interview.
To be on time.
Care of the image, according to the position offered.
Take into account non-corporal language (greetings, gestures, etc.).


Greeting: You have to wait for the interviewer to come to us to shake your hand.
Initial talk: it is a dialogue initiated by the interviewer on general issues to break the ice and avoid the state of anxiety of the candidate.
Conversation about job characteristics:
A) Personal data.
B) Training and professional expectations.
C) Functions and duties of the position.
D) Motivation and personal goals.
E) Adaptation of the curriculum to the position offered.

The interview is the right time to consult questions related to the company or the conditions of the position offered. This will be indicative of your interest in the work and you can use to express your knowledge about the sector and the company.

No special emphasis should be placed on schedules, salary or holidays.

The last phase of the interview is the farewell, whose objective should be to ensure the next contact within the selection process.

We should not force the interviewer to give us an opinion of how we have done it, or ask him if we are going to manifest his decision at that moment. We must be cautious and not rush.

What is it?
Document accompanying the curriculum, establishing the first personal contact with the company.

Demonstrate the specific professional objective of the candidate, in relation to a particular selection process.

1. Ordered
The letter must follow a structure that facilitates a fast reading.
Company address.
Address of the candidate.
Content development.

2. Clear
The presentation is a fundamental part of the letter in which spaces and margins must be taken care of, typed, etc.
The language used should be simple, avoiding complex grammatical constructions.

3. Single
It is advisable to write for each job offer an appropriate letter in its form and content to the position and the company.

4. Brief and direct
The presentation should take up one page. The content must be concrete and direct, avoiding unnecessary information.

5. Positive
Strengths of the curriculum should be strengthened in relation to the position offered.

6. Main parts of a cover letter

We will use formulas like:
Dear Sirs / Dear Sirs,
Dear Sir / Madam,

FIRST PARAGRAPH: This paragraph is used to explain why a letter is being sent. If it is in response to an advertisement appearing in the press, mention should be made of the newspaper and the date on which the offer was published.

SECOND PARAGRAPH: This refers to the qualities and requirements mentioned in the offer, if you respond to an advertisement. If it is a spontaneous candidacy it justifies why you consider yourself suitable for the position you request.

THIRD PARAGRAPH: Make clear your interest in the job and before you say goodbye, do not forget to mention that you want to be granted an interview.

The Curriculum Vitae is our business card, so it is important to take care of your presentation, language, and content.

What is it?
Short, written and orderly presentation of our academic training and work experience, focused on assessing the profile and skills for a job.

Show our professional profile.
Raise interest in knowing us.
Get a personal interview.


1.-Concrete and concise
Provide the most relevant information, regardless of the most superfluous aspects.

2.-Clear and precise
Without ambiguities, facilitating the reading and enhancing the highlights of our professional profile.

Customized for each job offer to which it is sent.
Formal aspects of its writing

Maintain a schematic structure.
Make it typed.
Take care of margins and spaces.
Emphasize the headlines.
Use paper size DIN A-4.
Do not use abbreviations.
Avoid temporary gaps.
Close the curriculum.
It should not be signed.